Each year, Mississippi properties along the Gulf Coast and inland regions come under threat of significant damage during hurricane season, which officially runs from June 1 through Nov. 30. If you own a home or business in the danger zone, it’s vital that you take proactive steps to protect yourself well before a hurricane appears on the horizon. Here are some things you should do to prepare yourself, your family and your property from the ravages of severe storms and other disasters.

Understanding Hurricane Risks in Mississippi

Hurricanes vary in intensity, but any of them can bring with them damaging winds, storm surge and inland flooding, destroying structures, uprooting trees, downing power lines and cutting off roads in both urban and rural communities. Torrential rains can bring severe flooding, even many miles inland from the coast.

Creating a Hurricane Preparedness Plan

It’s essential to your safety to create a disaster preparedness plan and make sure your family is familiar with it. Identify the best ways to evacuate your home and safe routes out of the area. Make sure everyone knows where to meet up if you’re separated and how you will communicate with each other. Always have a Plan B to fall back on. Keep your preparedness plan posted where everyone can see and refer to it.

Building a Hurricane Survival Kit

Keep essential emergency supplies packed in “bug out bags” in a quick and easy-access location. Include food and water for 72 hours, clothing and personal hygiene items, flashlights and batteries, medications and a first aid kit, a portable radio, cash, and anything else you might need. Remember to check expiration dates of items in the bag at the beginning of each hurricane season, and refresh items as necessary.

Protecting Your Home

To avoid having to make costly structural repairs after a storm, take steps to minimize damage to your home, including:

  • Install storm shutters or board up windows.
  • Secure loose outdoor items and furniture.
  • Inspect and reinforce your roof and doors.
  • Remove dead or diseased trees, tree limbs and shrubs.
  • Have multiple tarps available.

Understanding Evacuation Protocols

Evacuation is sometimes necessary for your safety. Monitor official channels to learn instructions on when to leave your area and safe evacuation routes. You may be able to review and familiarize yourself with standard emergency protocols on your state or local government website. When you return home, remember our emergency response in MS is only a phone call away when disaster strikes.

Insurance Considerations

Review and update your homeowner’s insurance before hurricane season arrives. Make sure it covers wind and flood damage, and consider buying additional coverage if you live in a high-risk area.

Special Considerations

Consider any preparations you might need to make for friends or family with special needs, and for your pets.

If you’re the victim of storm damage in Central and South MS, contact Recon Restoration for fast and professional assistance.

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